What’s New?

  • Our Environmental Science & Technology paper is online! The production of green H2 is a rather thirsty process-not just for electrolysis but for cooling as well, potentially competing with other needs in water-stressed region. TLDR: water is not a worry if you source it wisely.
  • Our Water Research paper is online where we operated pilot microbial electrolysis cells (MEC) alongside a pilot hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) system (on a trailer!) for a demonstration on a closed-loop wet waste to jet fuel system🚀. This concludes a years-long project where we collaborated with UIUC and PNNL to look for a sustainable solution for resource rocovery and management of wet waste (food waste, algae etc.).
  • I was humbled and honored to be recognized as a 2024 Maeder Graduate Fellowship receipients. Maeder graduate fellowship awards Princeton University students performing research related to energy and/or the environment as impacted by energy and is given to one or two grad students among candidates that are nominated from all disciplines each year.
  • Our Green Chemistry paper exploring the use of NMR for probing anode metabolism in microbial electrochemical system was selected as front cover article and 2023 Green Chemistry Hot Articles
  • Did a facelift to the website (●’◡’●)
  • Had a fun time at AEESP2023 Boston! Presented our work on green H2 and water. Stay tuned for more updates on this project!
  • Our analytical review on MEC scale-up accepted to Water Research. Read more.
  • A fun collaboration with Junjie: “ChatGPT and Environmental Research” on ES&T. Read more. (Update in July 2023: If you haven’t heard already: there were huge changes in the past few months on the performance of ChatGPT. The same questions given in the examples of this paper might yield quite different responses now.)
  • 🏆 Our poster won the “Best Student Poster Awards” at AEESP2022 St. Louis. Stay tuned for more updates on the project!🏆 (Update in 23 Aug. paper accepted for publish in Green Chemistry!)
  • General exam – nailed it!🎉
  • 🐯Started Ph.D. at Princeton!
  • 2020: 🌳Graduated from Stanford.
  • 2019: 🐅Graduated from Tsinghua.